
Past simple vs. Present Perfect Simple

Hey guys, it’s Will. How are you all doing? Today, we are going to contrast the use of  the  Past Simple and the Present Perfect Simple tenses - a topic that raises lot's of question to those who are learning. The mix-up happens (to ESL students) when we try to translate the sentences without taking into account the context or the intention of the speaker. Another mistake is to simplify the explanation by limiting the use of certain verb tenses to specific time references such as esterday, ago,  since, ever etc.      We have to understand that the use of any verb tense depends on the speaker's intension. Thus, such time references may not be used. A-   But I sent you the email!  B-        I don't remember reading it. When did you send it? Note that in the first example, A seems frustrated, because to him, the email had already been read by 'B'.  As this was already done in his mind, he uses the 'Simple Past', although he doesn't mention  when this happ

How long did or have you...?

To vs. For

The present perfect tense

What is the big deal about the Present Perfect tense?

ING form - Adjective or noun (part 2)

ING form – Adjective or noun?

I can’t speak today!

AT, ON, IN for places.


What comes after some verbs?

Do or Make?

Omitting the preposition